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The Book of Revelations decoded::

The impermanence of the world has always been one of the chief concerns of humankind. The oldest records of apocalyptic ideas dates back to Babylonian times. In the Judeo-Christian theology which concerns itself with the final events in the history of the world, creation occurred only once, and destruction of the world as we know it will happen only once.

The final book of the New Testament, The Revelation of St. John the Divine, is the most famous of the apocalypses. It is said to have been written by John the Apostle around 90 CE on the Greek island of Patmos.

The central theme of the Apocalypse (Revelation) concerns a book that is held closed by seven seals. The breaking of each seal reveals another aspect of the apocalypse. The first four seals bring to life the infamous four horsemen of the apocalypse: each riding a different-colored horse: white, red, black and ashen-colored. The four horsemen personify the evils of the world: Conquest, Slaughter, Famine, and Death. The broken fifth seal reveals martyrs who have been slaughtered "for the word of God." They are each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer and await the arrival of more martyrs.

A violent earthquake takes place upon breaking the sixth seal; the sun becomes black "and the moon became as blood... and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

The breaking of the seventh seal is followed by silence in heaven. Seven angels then appear and are given trumpets. The sounding of each horn brings a new disaster on earth. Hail and fire mingled with blood are cast upon the earth, and a third of the trees and all green grass are burned up. A third of the sea becomes blood, and a third of the ships upon it are destroyed. The waters of the earth are polluted by the falling star called Wormwood, and many die from the bitter water.

When the fourth trumpet is sounded, darkness covers the sky. John sees an angel flying above calling out, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhibitors of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

As the fifth angel sounds the trumpet, a star falls to earth and opens the bottomless pot, out of which comes smoke that produces locusts. They are told to hurt "only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads." The torment they inflict is like the sting of the scorpion and causes people who are stung to wish for the refuge found in death, but they are denied it. The locusts wear crowns like gold. Their faces are like the faces of men, their hair the hair of women, and their teeth those of lions.

With the sounding of the sixth trumpet, four angels are released to lead an army of 200 million to kill a third of mankind. The horses they ride have heads like lions "and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone."

In Revelation 11:15: "... the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord... and he shall reign forever and ever." However, this chapter also states that "the nations are angry." And in heaven occurred lightning and thunder, "an earthquake, and great hail."

I think that I have worked out the secret from the book of revelations and it says: "- something is going to cause the deaths of one third of the worlds population... ..only it will be from the modern world; ....and it will be made from iron and clay and stone; and also thinks" ,..but I will keep silent!....

...and what might be sealed with seven seals,..

 - it means fire and ice,
coming from heaven;
 - which first circles the earth once,..
before landing in the sea,
then half the world gets destroyed,..
and great harm is done to nature,
while it was for future men!
to be greatly angered,
and I am just rejected,
