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Bede the Venerable & Monk Adso Prophecy

The British monk known as Bede the Venerable (to acknowledge his wisdom and learning) lived most of his life (circa 672-735) at the monastery of St. Peter and St. `Paul at Warmouth-Jarrow. he is recognized as the "father of British history". He was the first to date events "Anno Domine" (AD). The prophetic writings of Bede the Venerable are very similar to those of Monk Adso, who authored an apocalypse in 954 at the request of Queen Gerberga. The priest Albinus of Cologne borrowed it, and the work was published under his name. Bede's work lies at the base of Adso's, and both authors drew on some older, unidentified sources (probably a Sibylline book).

Bede's prophecy is found in the Elucidorum of Honorius of Autun and Monumentum (22:146) by Godfrey of Citerbo (ca. 1190). It ends with a description of the "King by name and steadfast mind" and the advent of Antichrist. The end of the world ensues thereafter:

"And then will arise a king by name and of steadfast mind. The same will be the steadfast king of the Romans and Greeks... and the King himself will have before his eyes the scripture saying:

"The king of the Romans will claim for himself the whole kingdom of the lands; therefore he will lay waste all the islands and cities, and destroy all the temples of the false gods, and all the pagans will he call to baptism, and the cross of Christ shall be raised over all the temples..."

Monk Adso, who borrowed from and added to the writing of Bede, wrote thus of the Antichrist:

"Against the faithful will he rise up in three ways --- that is, by terror, by gifts, and by wonders; to the believers in him will he give gold and silver in abundance; but those whom he shall fail to corrupt by presents he will overcome by fear, and those whom he shall fail to vanquish by fear he will seek to seduce by signs and wonders...

"The ruined Temple also, which Solomon raised to God, he shall build and restore to its former state... and he shall circumcise himself, and lie that he is the Son of God almighty... Thereafter shall he send his messengers and preachers to the whole world...

"Then shall all the Jews flock unto him, and thinking they shall receive Christ they shall receive the devil... Coming to Jerusalem he shall be circumcised, saying to the Jews, I am the Christ promised unto you, who have come for your weal that I may gather and defend you that are scattered...

"Then shall be sent into the world the two great prophets Elias and Enoch, who shall forearm the faithful with godly weapons against the task of the Antichrist, and they shall encourage and get them ready for the war... But after they have accomplished their preaching, the Antichrist shall rise up and slay them, and after three days they shall be raised up by the Lord...

"The doctors also teach, as saith Pope Gregory, that Michael the Archangel shall destroy him on Mount Olivet in his pavilion and seat, in that place where the Lord ascended into heaven..."

Here is Bede the Venerable on the Antichrist:

"For he shall work such stupendous marvels, as to bid fire to come down from heaven... and the dead shall rise... he shall raise the dead, not verily, but the devil shall enter some dead man's body... and speak in him, that he may seem alive...

"There shall go forth the two most glorious men Enoch and Elias to announce the advent of the Lord, and them shall the Antichrist slay, and after three days they shall be resuscitated...

"The sign of the doom: the earth shall be moist with sweat; from heaven the king shall come to reign forever... At midnight in the hour when the angel made Egypt desolate, and when the Lord despoiled hell, in the same hour He shall deliver His elect from this world...

"Fire shall burn up earth and sea and heaven... The springs shall fail, and the everlasting flame consume; He shall cast down the hills, and raise up valleys from the depth... From the heavens shall fall both fire and a sulfur stream."

Bede also left this prophetic note among his writings:

"As long as the Coliseum stands Rome will stand; when Rome falls, the world will fall."