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Catholic Nuns Prophecies

 Several Catholic nuns of the 19th century reported their visions of a third and final world war and three days of darkness that will enshroud the planet. Such a darkness is prophesied several times in the Bible, and may have served to inspire their prophecies; see Joel 2:10, 31 and 3:15; Matthew 24:25, 29; Revelation 6:12, 14 and 8:12; Zechariah 14:6, 7; Isaiah 13:10 and 24:23; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25, and Acts 2:19, 20.

Sister Palma Maria (d. 1863) of Oria, Italy, saw the event thus:

"There will be an attempt by the sectaries to establish a republican government in France, Spain and Italy; a civil war will, in consequence, break out in those countries, accompanied by other dreadful punishments, as pestilence and famine, the massacre of priests, and also of some dignitaries of the Church. Rome shall have to endure severe trials from the malice of wicked men. But at the critical moment, when the rebellious Republicans shall attempt to take possession of the Holy City, they shall be suddenly arrested at the gates and forced to fly away in terror...

"There shall be three days of darkness, during which the atmosphere will be infected by innumerable devils, who shall cause the death of large multitudes of unbelievers and wicked men.

"Blessed candles alone shall be able to give light and preserve the faithful Catholics from this impending scourge. Supernatural prodigies shall appear in the heavens. There is to be a short but furious war, during which the enemies of religion and of mankind shall be universally destroyed. A general purification of the world, and the universal triumph of the Church are to follow."

In 1878, the year of her death, Sister Marie de Jesus Crucifice of Pau, France, made this prophecy of apocalypse:

"All states will be shaken by war and civil conflict. During a period of three days of darkness, those who walk along the paths of deprivation will perish; only the fourth part of humanity will survive. The clergy, too will be greatly reduced in number, as most of them will die in the defense of the faith or their country."

The French nun Marie Dehenny de la Faudais received a similar vision in 1819:

"There will be three days of continuous darkness. During this fearful darkness only candles which have been blessed will burn. One candle will last for threedays, but in the houses of the impious they will not burn. During these three days demons will appear in horrible and nauseating forms and will make the air resound with appalling blasphemies. Rays and flashes will penetrate through the streets at an unusual time of the year. The sea will reverse in foamy waves upon the Earth. Indeed, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The bodies of the impious as well as with those of the just will cover the soil. The famine which will follow will be enormous; all the vegetation of the earth will be destroyed as also will be three-fourths of mankind. The crisis will come suddenly and the disaster will be universal."

The prophecies of Sister Rosa Columba of Taggia (died 1847) also foretell of tribulation for the Catholic Church:

"A great revolution will spread over all of Europe and peace will not be restored until the white flower, the Lily, has taken possession of the throne of France. Not only religious communities, but also good lay Catholics, shall have their property confiscated. Many of the nobility shall be cast into prison. A lawless democratic spirit of disorder shall reign supreme throughout all Europe. There will be a general overthrow. There shall be a great confusion of people against people, and nations against nations, with clashing of arms and beating of drums. The Russians and Prussians shall come to make war in Italy. They shall profane many churches, and turn them into stables for their horses. Some bishops shall fall from the faith, but many more will remain steadfast and suffer much for the Church. There will be a great persecution of the Church, begun by her own children.

"Many terrible calamities impend over Italy. Priests and religious shall be butchered and the earth, especially in Italy, shall be watered with their blood.

"The persecution in Italy is to begin by the suppression of the Jesuits; they shall be called back again; then a third time they will be suppressed and never more revived.

"During a frightful storm against the Church, all religious orders will be abolished except two, namely, the Capuchins and the Dominicans, together with the Hospitalers, who shall receive the pious pilgrims who, in great numbers, shall go to visit and venerate the many martyrs in Italy, killed during the impending persecution."

Shortly before her death in 1847, Sister Marie Lataste, who was a nun of the Sacred Heart, made this vague prophecy of doom for Paris:

"O Paris, execrable city, for how long have you deserved my indignation! Your inhabitants will one day curse you, for that you have steeped them in your baleful atmosphere, and even those to whom you gave refuge will hurl their maledictions at you, because they have found death in your bosom!

"Pray for France; pray much and never cease from praying. France shall not perish. When disorder and confusion are at their height in France, the merciful God will intervene in a marvelous manner, overthrow the evildoers and restore order. Afflictions shall come over the earth. Oppression shall reign in the city which I love, and where I have left my heart. She shall be in mourning and desolation, surroundedon every side by her enemies, like a bird caught in the net. During three years and a little more, this city shall appear overcome. But my Mother will come to that city; she will take the hand of the old man sitting on the throne, and will say to him: "Lo! the hour has come; rise up; behold thine enemies. I make them disappear, one after another, and they shall disappear forevermore. Thou hast given me glory both on earth and in heaven. Behold, men venerate thy name, venerate thy courage, venerate thy power: thou shalt live, and I will live with thee. Dry up thy tears, old man; I bless thee!"

Peace shall return to the world, because the Blessed Virgin Mary will breathe over the storms and quell the"m. Her name will be praised, blessed and exalted forever. Prisoners or captives shall recover their liberty; exiles shall return to their country, and the unfortunate or unhappy shall be restored to peace and happiness..."

Marie de Terreaux of Lyons made a doomsday prophecy in 1843, with these warning signs:

"These events will be preceded by a bad year. But, on the contrary, the year of the events will be an exceptionally fertile year, yet too few people will have remained on the earth to consume this abundance".

In 1790, Helena Walraff predicted thus:

"The Pope will be forced to flee, followed by four cardinals. He will find refuge in Cologne."