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On this same subject, read "When the Comet Runs" by Tom Kay
WINDOW ROCK - The Hale-Bopp comet, which can now be seen in the early morning skies over the Navajo Reservation, may be the sign that Hopi Elders have been talking about for generations to signify the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Or so says Robert Morning Sky, who has been going on National and local radio programs in the past couple of months, to talk about his research and what it means for mankind. Morning Sky, 50, who said he is half Hopi and half Apache, is a lecturer and Native American Dancer who has spoken around the world on matters relating to Indian issues and philosophy. His research into the prophecies of not only the Hopi but also other Native peoples as well as the Egyptians, had convinced him that the world is at a unique juncture right now. "He stressed that he is not a psychic or a Hopi traditional but simply a researcher who has spent time looking into the prophecies and what they mean. Hopi prophecy, he said, says that 'Humankind now resides in the "Fourth World" and then when this world ends, there will be the return of "The Great White Brother," which will be signaled by a 'great white star in the sky. The prophecy tells the story of two brothers who were given sacred stones. The older brother was told to take the stones to the "rising sun' and then come back to look for his brother who would remain "in the land of the Great Spirit." Upon the return of the older brother, people who have done wrong to the Hopi people would be punished and destroyed and all the land taken from the Hopi would be returned. Morning Sky indicates his research that the coming of the Hale-Bopp comet signifies that the beginning of this time in the Hopi tradition has now come. He said that this has been confirmed because all important prophecies are always preceded by an opening event that signals that a prophecy has begun. What a lot of people don't know, he said, is that this opening event is centered around "a twin" - two events of a sacred nature that occur close in time to each other. In this case, the twin events center around the birth of a white buffalo calf in 1994 in the United States and then the birth of another one in May of 1995. "To go along with this, he said that the 'Great White Star' that would signal the return of the Older Brother would also have to be a pair of comets, first Hyakutake in 1996 and Hale-Bopp in 1997. The comet Hyakutake was in almost exactly that same position on April 2, 1996 as the comet Hale-Bopp will be on April 2, 1997," Morning Sky wrote. 'It is possible that all of this is a massive coincidence but could someone be trying to signal us?' Morning Sky said the Hopi prophecies, as well as those listed in the Bible in the Book of Revelations, all seem to be dove tailing now into one. He also pointed out that a list of other prophecies told by Hopi elders centuries ago are now coming to pass. These include prophecies that say there will be roads in the sky, there will be moving houses of iron, there will be horseless carriages, men will have the ability to speak with each other through cobwebs and men's clothing will be taken over by women. Another key prophecy is that "the white man's government will gradually stop taking care of Indians," which could refer to plans by the government to phase out the Bureau of Indian Affairs and contract directly with Indian tribes. Morning Sky said that if the Hale-Bopp Comet is the sign the Hopis have been waiting for, it is foretelling the coming of another comet "seven seasons from now" that will set in motion the 'end of time.' While seasons are usually related to years, it's possible that in this case a season will signify another form of time, Morning Sky said, from a month to a decade or an epoch. If it is years, it means that sometime in the year 2004 another comet will appear in the skies and that will be the final sign of the prophecy. "I really hope I am wrong about this, but my research indicates that this is what is happening," he said. Hopi prophecy says, Morning Sky continued, at the end of time those that have followed their traditions will be saved and those who have not will be doomed. "The key to interpreting this is to have Hopi mean good people and not just a member of a tribe. In this case a non-Indian, who acts in such a way to follow certain traditional ways, could be considered to be a Hopi and would survive," Morning Sky said. Morning Sky admitted that these views are his own and that he has not talked to Hopi elders about whether their interpretations of the prophecies go along with his. Leigh Jenkins, who is director of cultural preservation for the Hopi Tribe, said he couldn't say whether or the Hale-Bopp comet is the yellow star mentioned in the Hopi Prophecies. Yes, we are familiar with a yellow star but when it will appear is uncertain," he said, pointing out that generally Hopi elders don't get that specific in talking about prophecies. Jenkins said he has not heard of any other Hopi elder relating the presence of the Hale-Bopp comet to Hopi prophecies. As for Morning Sky, said Jenkins, no one Has ever seen him on the reservation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor's Note: This comment AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE doesn't surprise me, since Morning Sky's Mother probably left the reservation when she married. He was raised on the an Apache Reservation. This comment is an attempt by Jenkins to discredit Morning Sky. KEEP IN MIND THAT THE CURRENT TRUE KEEPERS OF THE HOPI PROPHECY, DON'T HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH ANYBODY ON THE HOPI NATION COUNCIL, AND VICE VERSA! As a matter of probability, the Nation Council has done nothing but make life miserable for Dan. Even if Jenkins did have a good relationship with him, that doesn't mean that Dan would share anything sacred with him! Another fanastic new book is When The Comet Runs - Prophecies for the New Millenium A fascinating comparison of Nostradamus, Ezekiel, Hildegard of Bingen, Edgar Cayce, Mary Summer Rain, Gordon-Michael Scallion, Abd-ru-shin, Mother Shipton, Paul Solomon, and Sun Bear. These highly regarded prophets have all made grave predictions concerning the end of the millenium. Many agree that the harginger of the "end times" is the appearance of a spectcular comet. Some call it the Blue Star, some Planet X. The large, extremely bright comet named Hale-Bopp has again entered our solar system--it may even be visible in daylight in 1997. It's previous visits--every 3,200 or 4,200 years--were at the times of the Exodus from Egypt, the Great Flood, and the supposed destruction of Atlantis. Researcher Tom Kay has delved into millennial prophecies from many sources, examining them for a consistent message. It is the most thorough book of its kind, the prophecies are compared for sililarities and analyzed for their credibility. THIS COULD BE THE BIG ONE!! The Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet Astronomers spy rocky and icy wanderers of all shapes and sizes zipping past Earth all the time. But earlier this month, they were flabbergasted when they caught sight of the largest comet they’d ever seen. One of its discoverers, Pedro Bernardinelli, an astrophysicist at the University of Pennsylvania, conservatively estimates the object’s dusty, icy nucleus is between 62 and 125 miles long. That means this comet is as small as five Manhattan Islands, or it’s larger than the Island of Hawaii. Hale-Bopp, which lit up night skies in the late 1990s with its 25-mile-long nucleus, was long perceived to be a giant among comets. But the nucleus of this comet, Comet C/2014 UN271, “is still two or three Hale-Bopps across,” said Teddy Kareta, a planetary astronomy graduate student at the University of Arizona. “It’s just wild.” “With a reasonable degree of certainty, it’s the biggest comet that we’ve ever seen,” said Colin Snodgrass, an astronomer at the University of Edinburgh. The comet is currently inside Neptune’s orbit. Over the next decade, it will scoot toward the inner solar system. More of its ices will be vaporized by the sun’s glare, causing it to effervesce and brighten. In 2031, it will get within a billion miles of the sun — almost but not quite making it to Saturn — before journeying back to the coldest, darkest fringes of our galactic neighborhood.The Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet imaged on June 27 from Chile with the CHI-1 telescope. The Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet imaged on June 27 from Chile with the CHI-1 telescope.Credit...M. Rocchetto & E. Guido, Telescope Live Although it’s unlikely a spacecraft will be able to rendezvous with the comet, spotting it while it’s still two billion miles away means that astronomers can train their telescopes on it and watch it flare, then fade, in staggering detail over the next 20 years. “Comets are like cats. You never know what they’re going to do,” said Meg Schwamb, an astronomer at Queen’s University Belfast. “I’m ready to get the popcorn.” Comets are icy remnants as old as the sun, and may have delivered both water and organic matter to the solar system’s rocky worlds. This frosty leviathan, then, is a fantastic opportunity to uncover a bounty of cometary secrets. It was first spotted with the Dark Energy Survey, an effort to map distant galaxies and exploding stars in order to investigate the universe’s accelerating expansion. To galaxy hunters, “all those rocks in the foreground are just a nuisance,” Dr. Snodgrass said. But to comet chasers, “they’re quite an interesting nuisance.” ‘The Gilded Age’ Finally Arrives on HBO A search of the survey’s databanks found over 800 novel iceballs with orbits larger than Neptune’s. One, designated 2014 UN271, was “by far the most interesting one we found,” Dr. Bernardinelli said. A series of images of the icy object captured from 2014 to 2018 revealed it was definitely icy, probably elongated, and had emerged from the Oort cloud, an expansive “shell” of primordial space debris surrounding the solar system — nothing unusual so far. But when its dramatic dimensions were announced on June 19, scientists were blown away. It’s not even close to being the largest object beyond Neptune. But its sunward trajectory meant that, if its ices transmogrified into gases, it would become the largest comet ever found. The CHI-1 telescope observes the skies from Chile’s Rio Hurtado Valley. Astronomers will be able to monitor the progress of the comet through the solar system for the next 20 years. The CHI-1 telescope observes the skies from Chile’s Rio Hurtado Valley. Astronomers will be able to monitor the progress of the comet through the solar system for the next 20 years.Credit...Telescope Live Their curiosities piqued, Dr. Snodgrass, Dr. Schwamb and their colleagues used telescopes in South Africa and Namibia to take a closer look — and they spied a coma, an envelope of gas, surrounding it. Despite its considerable distance, some of its more volatile ices — carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, perhaps — were already being vaporized by slivers of sunlight. It was official: This was a colossal comet. On June 24, this newly identified gadabout was renamed Comet C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) after its discoverers Dr. Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein, an astronomer at the University of Pennsylvania. This comet takes roughly three million years to make one complete circumnavigation of the sun. The last time it was here, modern humans had yet to evolve. The next time it comes around, who can say what will have come of our species. This may be the only chance humanity will get to glimpse it. In 2031, if you take a halfway-decent telescope to a dimly lit area, you will be able to see this specter shift among the stars. At a distance of one billion miles, it won’t provide the cinematic streak some comets are famous for, but you will see a flicker of light. Many of the night sky’s flickers belong to unfathomably distant objects. But not comets — and, like all its icy cousins, this one is “both weird and beautiful,” Mr. Kareta said. Its visitation reminds us that the universe isn’t a static expanse, but a chaotic ballet, full of wondrous things always in motion. |