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Maya Prophecy of the end of the Great Cycle

When the original thirteen baktuns were created, a war was waged which caused the country to cease to exist. Little by little, however, our enemies came to hear the prophecies of Ahau; but finally even the hope of hearing Ahau is brought to an end because of the words of opposition. When the need arises for the high authority at the head of the mat to safeguard our children, then we will feel deeply the tragedy of being captives in war; also when we are ordered to obey... And when over the dark sea I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire, to that generation there will come the day of withered fruit.

The face of the sun will be extinguished because of the great tempest. Then finally ornaments shall descend in heaps. There will be good gifts for one and all, as well as land, from the Great Spirit wherever they shall settle down. Presently Baktun thirteen shall come sailing, figuratively speaking, bringing the ornaments of which I have spoken, from your ancestors. Then the god will come to visit his little cones. Perhaps After Death will be the subject of his discourse.