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Saint John Capistran Prophecy

St. John Capistran of Italy (1385-1456) began his social career as a lawyer. In 1412 he was appointed governor of Perugia by the King of Naples. After an unconsummated marriage, he obtained a dispensation to enter religion, and received the priesthood in 1425. He was a phenomenal success as a preacher. He also wrote many books, including this prophecy of the last eight popes:

"The ox shall again be full of life and his trumpets shall resound with sweet lowing.
A great city beast shall succeed and devour the pastures of the little ones.
He shall come from the North wind, enter into the sanctuary and the Church will renew her seed.
He shall explain the ten heads of the dragon and he shall destroy in the Holy Land the Author of Wickedness.
The people will be dying with hunger when he is created who will divide and give to the poor.
The Tree shall give forth its fruits, but the destroying beast shall devour them.
The brightness of the exposed countenances shall be lifted, and the faces of the proud shall fall before the face of the oppressor.
There shall be signs of the sun and moon when there shall be created a man stronger than any prince, and he shall renew the face of the Church. At this time the Antichrist shall have been trodden underfoot and all the world shall enjoy the faith and peace of the Most High."