For over two thousand years, we (mankind) have sought to improve our
living standards, our mental ability to overcome many barriers and
aim for the equivalent known as -- perfection. This particular image
of perfection has been glorified to that of the GODS and if we were
to attain this level of perfection, we would be the same or liken to
that of the GODS. Many ideas, developments and transformations have
taken place to move toward this goal. When looking back through the
corridors of time our progress has been slow but sure. We can see
components that have been progressive and in line with our goal to
be perfect. It also highlights certain areas that reflect our
weakness. We consider ourselves to be the most intelligent of all
Gods creation upon Earth and this can be partly seen in our
technological advancement.
Although we are now in the year 2000 AD and have advanced this far
in time, we are plagued by our human frailties and patterns of
action that follow us from generation to generation. Many illnesses
we have today are illnesses that were with our ancestors 3-4000
years ago. One would have thought that we have come this far and yet
we cannot rid the common cold or flu. Another example of an illness
that many great minds have sought to find answers to and that is
mental illness which has been handed down from generation to
generation. The interesting fact about mental illness is that it has
not increased in its intensity or severity. In other words the
worlds total population is not a patient of mental illness and that
each of the disorders have not changed or intensified. Another
factor that destroys our brilliance as being the most intelligent of
Gods creation is our desire to destroy and in particular create
battles or wars between two people and two nations. Two thousand
years after the birth of Jesus Christ, the human race is still
warring against each other. Other illnesses and destructive actions
have also followed us into this millennium.
Our weakness as humans is greed. Our goal should be to improve our
human relationships hand in hand with technology. With the
advancement of technology and used in the right manner, the whole
world should benefit. However we use this advancement to gain
personal satisfaction over one another or group of people. I must
refract on the prophets who foretold the future and spoke the sacred
words of the Supreme Being. Their predictions were not of our
ability to advance technically, but to predict human actions if the
human race was to go down a certain road or follow certain patterns
of behaviour. To date those predictions have come to fruition. The
prophets were given by the Supreme being to serve the people. They
embodied the spiritual beliefs and well being with daily living.
In the 1950’s and early 1960’s, the three known super-powers (China,
Russia and the USA) were the leaders of the world. This period would
have been the most ideal time to unite the world and establish World
Peace however the opposite effect happened and that the three
super-powers pulled apart. One could argue the reasons for their
separation and that technology played a major role in preventing
those three leaders from joining forces. No matter what reasons or
excuses we make, in the end it come down to you and I (human to
human). At the same time during this period prophets throughout the
world were following the signs of the Spirit. Their goal was the
call for ‘Unity Of All Beings’.
In New Zealand and in particular among the Maori, a prophet well
known throughout New Zealand (Mr Alexander Phillips) began his work
by attending to those who were less fortunate or to those that the
medical profession could not help. In 1953 he established a small
clinic in a country town known as Te Kuiti. He named his clinic the
‘Surgery’. Many thousands of people from throughout New Zealand and
other countries came for his assistance, advice and fellowship.
During his clinical appointments whether it be on a one to one or a
group of people, he would talk of the missing link being the key to
Heaven and Earth, and that the missing link is known as the MOTHER
who is the most compassionate, the most forgiving of all of Gods
gifts in Gods entire creation. In doing his work, Mr Phillips also
set a precedent which many Churches challenged and that is by
placing the MOTHER between the FATHER and SON, making change to the
Mr Phillips spoke often of the Supreme Being having four sacred
pillars to hold his mantle of LOVE and PEACE. To achieve World
Peace, the MOTHER must be acknowledged being the fourth pillar of
Gods Mantle and that the four pillars must be placed in the four
corners of the world. World Peace cannot be achieved through three
Mr Phillips is 83 years of age, born as a twin 14th August 1917 on
the banks of the Ongarue River, Taumarunui New Zealand. Prior to him
establishing his surgery in Te Kuiti, he lived a normal life taking
part in various sporting activities, attending to his family farm
and generally providing for their daily needs. As his age increased
so did his desire to take responsibility to help the needy, the
poor, homeless and serve the Spirit according to tradition and
customary values of the Maori. At the age of 26 years Mr Phillips
had to give away living like the average New Zealander and turn his
attention to working with the Wairua (Spirit), helping the less
fortunate and working with families that had illnesses pertaining to
the world of Maori. This was one particular area of health that the
medical profession could not assist in anyway or form. His
genealogical background gave him the foundation to begin his work
with the Spirit and the people.
His first work was to attend to the Maori and their genealogical
disorders and sickness that could not be dealt with by any other
person or medical profession. During his counselling he would
explain the background to his work and what Maoridom will achieve
for the future. Many significant elders from throughout New Zealand
came to see him for his service and skill. From this service and
through Mr Phillips, came various developments that led Maoridom to
becoming pro-active in their aspirations and the development of Manu
Manu Ariki is a Marae reserve of 150 acres and is the official
footstool for the MOTHER who takes the form of a magnificently
carved native wood statue. Other symbols that take the form of
buildings also denote the significance of Maori spirituality. The
land upon which Manu Ariki stand was consecrated by the ancestors of
the Aotea canoe specifically as a footstool or a place where the
Supreme Being (GOD) can rest and call this small piece of land his
very own. Several large buildings are symbols of Maori prophecy and
when patterned together, form a unique system that consecrate the
Spiritual practices with todays material growth and expansion.
On the morning of 14th May 2000 at 9.00am a dedication ceremony was
conducted by Mr Alexander Phillips Esq CBE, QSM, The Senior Council
(The Apotoro (24) and the Kaunihera Whakakotahi O Nga Hapu O
Iharaira (The Council of Unity for the Tribes of Israel). This
dedication was the beginning to ‘Unity Of All Religion’. The
dedication involved the blessing of sacred pillars known as the
‘Pillars Of Love’ and the unveiling statues that various religious
communities had donated for the purpose of uniting religions and
beliefs throughout the world.
Magnificent statues of Jesus Christ, the Madonna, Buddha, the Black
Madonna of Madagascar, were unveiled. The sacred pillars of love
give each group/faith/religion a place to stand and be part of this
development at Manu Ariki. Prayers, blessings, Hymns and dedication
speeches were part of the ceremonial dedication.
People from various parts of New Zealand came early and gathered at
the Temple which is situated upon a hilltop over-looking Manu Ariki
Marae and its village. A light rain greeted the 250 people who came
to take part in the dedication ceremony. There were several groups
among the 250 strong, whom presented statues and icons for the
purpose of acknowledging the concept and ceremony of ‘Unity Of All
Mr Phillips who is the Founder of Manu Ariki spoke at the ceremony
explaining the pillars that stand before the ‘Temple of God’ (The
Whetumarama) are the ‘Pillars Of Love’. He expressed that although
there were only twenty pillars presently standing, it will increase
as the different beliefs/religions come forward to acknowledge the
importance of uniting all religions. He also re-iterated what he
announced to the world in 1980 that ‘The Mother is one of four
sacred pillars of God that hold up his mantle of love and peace. By
including the Mother in your prayers, she will give strength, good
life and enlightenment to the world. For God to place his mantle of
love and peace upon the world he will need four pillars in each of
the four corners of the world. Mr Phillips named the sacred pillars
The Father, The Mother, The Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mr Phillips also spoke of the Weeping Madonna of Sicily. In 1952 the
world saw this as a sign and a miracle, but no one could say what
was the reason for her tears. The tears were tested for its
legitimacy - whether they were real tears or just water. It was
proved to be real tears. Mr Phillips advocated that he was the only
one who knew the reason for her tears. He explained that in 1952 he
had found the ‘Missing Link’ between Heaven and Earth and Gods
fourth power, that being the Mother. By instituting the Mother
between the Father and the Son, this consecrated the Mothers
rightful position. This meant that the Mother had to leave Earth and
return to the upper most heaven to her rightful place with the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
At the completion of the ceremony photographs were taken of the
Pillars Of Love and the statues. The people had the opportunity to
look and pay their respects to each of the statues present. The day
concluded with everyone having a luncheon in the main dining
facility on Manu Ariki.
On the 11th May 2000 (Thursday), Mr Phillips sent two
representatives to meet with the Buddhist Lama Semtan of the
Buddhist Monastery in Kaukapakapa.
The purpose of this visit was to:
1. Discuss the concept ‘Unity of all Religions’,
2. Invite them to take part in this development,
3. Extend an invitation to them to present a statue of Bhuddha to
stand upon the sacred pillars at Manu Ariki.
Our request was confirmed and in addition to our request was their
wish to have their Rinpoche (8 years old boy born in New Zealand),
to present Bhuddha to Manu Ariki. With this in hindsight, Manu Ariki
saw the opportunity of presenting their young leader (10yrs) to meet
the Buddhist Rinpoche, two young leaders from different cultures
meeting for the first time. This meeting would be seen as a bond
between two people and two nations coming together for the same
A date and time was scheduled for the two groups to come together.
On the 18th May 2000, Manu Ariki formerly welcomed the Rinpoche (8
yrs), Lama Semtan, Lama Shedrup and their administrator Kate. Mr
Alexander Phillips Esq. CBE, QSM, Master Daniel Tito (Grandson to Mr
Phillips), Dr Jim Rawiri, The Council for the Unity of the 12 Tribes
of Israel, and affiliating members, received the guests onto Manu
Ariki. The formal process of welcome was accorded to the guests. At
the completion of the welcome the Rinpoche, Lama Semtan, and Shedrup
were taken to the Temple of God, known as the Whetumarama, to
formerly present the sacred statue - Bhuddha to it’s new home.
Buddha was placed upon one of the sacred stone pillars of love and
Lama Semtan, lama Shedrup and the Rinpoche conducted their ceremony
of consecration to Buddha and the Pillars of Love.
At the completion of this sacred dedication, Mr Phillips on behalf
of Manu Ariki, paid homage to Buddha, the Rinpoche Lama Semtan, and
Shedrup for fulfilling a prophecy and that their presence confirm
the importance of the Maori and the Tibetan people coming together.
Mr Phillips expressed that they and the Maori both share a common
place in Tibet in the Himalayas Mountains. To the Maori this most
sacred mountain is known as Maunganui. This is the largest and
tallest mountain in the World known today as Mount Everest. Maori
history record that when the Maori migration entered Tibet, they
travelled to Maunganui to pay homage to this most sacred mountain
which was the pathway between heaven and earth, and that this
mountain was the most godliest place on earth. The Buddhist Monks
were the caretakers of this sacred passageway and that today they
still maintain and practice their protocols and rituals of
Mr Phillips expressed that it is an honour to have Buddha stand upon
the 'Pillars of Love'. Mr Phillips in his honour to Buddha, invited
Buddha along with the other statues to combine their power and
effort to bring unity to all religions and to all peoples of the
Manu Ariki choir completed the ceremony with a hymn. Everybody
adjourned from the temple to take part in a celebration meal at the
marae proper.
19th May 2000. The protocol of farewell was conducted as this was
the day for Lama Semtan, Lama Shedrup, the Rinpoche and the
Administrator (Kate) to depart from Manu Ariki. Mr Phillips and the
Council of Elders concluded the ceremonious occasion by giving a
special blanket and a donation to assist the Rinpoche with his
journey to Tibet in September of this year. This blanket is a
representation and symbol to the blanket of Peace, to keep him well
and that when the Rinpoche reached Tibet, the blanket will personify
a large blanket cover flowing from Mount Everest, and moving across
like a large cover encompassing the world. Other gifts were also
presented to the guests, at the conclusion Lama Semtan and Lama
Shedrup were taken to another sacred building to view a miniature
replica of Maunganui (Mt Everest), and be told of a ceremony
conducted by Mr Phillips to bring World Peace, starting upon Mt
Everest. This particular ceremony took place on the Easter Monday
(NZ time), to dedicate World Peace. Lama Semtan and Lama Shedrup
dedicated their ritual of invocation to the replica of Mount Everest
and to the ceremony of World Peace.
At the conclusion of their service, the public were invited to view
the replica of Mt Everest. Lama Semtan, Lama Shedrup , the Rinpoche
and Kate departed Manu Ariki for Kaukapakapa