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The Monster with the White
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This is what my Grandmother told me:
My grandmother told me, and her grandmother told it before her, that long ago, long even before the europeans discovered Turtle Island and Her People, the elders warned us of The Monster with the White Eyes. Those Who Speak to the Spirits told us that the Monster with the White Eyes would come from across the great Eastern water. Its power would be evil and terrifying, and it would create a destruction so thorough that the spirits of the animals, and even the trees, would begin to die. The Mother Earth Herself would be devastated, and Her heartbeat would become very faint. This Monster would devour the children of Turtle Island tribe by tribe, and none would escape. Most of those who survived would be like the dead, their spirits lost to them, and they would exist without connection to the memories of their ancestors. Few would remain to keep the Truth alive. One day things would get so bad that the Mother Earth would begin to sing the Death Song. When this happens, they said, some of the children of the peoples who followed the White-Eyed Monster to our lands will realize that they face annihilation at the hands of their fathers, and they will be forced to look into their hearts. When they do this, many will find that the Spirits of the children of our Tribes have been reborn there and have been waiting to guide them. Then, they told us, those few who were the keepers of the Truth would emerge. Together we will become strong enough to overcome the power of the Monster and restore the Mother Earth to health, and the children of the Tribes of Turtle Island will lead the way back to a sane way of life. After this, all of the races will live as one Tribe in peace and harmony. The spirits of the animals and the trees will return when they will know that they are safe once again. The Monster with the White Eyes will be no more. This is what my grandmother told me, and now I have told it to you. Now, it doesn't take a Ph.D. in theology to see that there are loads of parallels between this ancient Cherokee story and the mythology of many other traditions. It cannot be missed, however, that there is a BIG difference in both the focus and the outcome of the tale.. The Native American spiritual traditions were the last of the Earth(Goddess)-centered practices to be outlawed by the various male-dominator, conquer-and-subdue religions. Long before the White-Eyed Monster showed up on this side of the globe, Europeans with good hearts and open minds were being burned as witches and heretics. Almost all of recorded history is a long, slow, and completely politically-based action, perpetrated by a few ruthless power blocs, to enslave the growing masses of people populating the world through fear and punishment. It is no coincidence that the most powerful political organizations in the world are sanctioned "religions." With the consentual mental enslavement of the people who support them, these churches are a big part of the global elite that control governments, legislation and law enforcement, economies, and the rate of destruction of the natural environment. To tolerate any Mother/Goddess-based religion would have meant that environmental degradation would not have been allowed to develop at all, let alone come to the dangerous point we now face - and a lot of money would not have been made by the very few. All of the accepted religions in today's world, whether they be judeo-christian, islamic, hindu, buddhist, or any one of the variety of Oriental offerings, deliberately separate humanity from the rest of creation. Followers are taught to ignore the realities of this world. There are promises of rewards in some vague "life after death": for those who pay, there is a heaven where streets are paved in gold, buildings are made of pearls, and everyone has lots of money; for those who can't or won't pay, there is a hell where their flesh will be burned off in eternal physical torture for their obstinacy. In some traditions, if a person is bad in the here and now they are punished by having to come back and live through another lifetime in this god-awful place; in others it's easier - no matter what you have ever done, all you have to do is say the magic "I'm sorry" on your deathbed and off you go to the party in the sky. In any case, the focus of contemporary religious practices circumvents personal responsibility in the here and now, and conveniently ignores the immediate and inescapable consequences of one's actions: kharma. Look around. Millions of people are desperate for spiritual fulfillment, and in their hunger for meaning and direction in life, many are taken advantage of by ruthless entrepreneurs. Every Saturday and Sunday countless hordes flock to fundamentalist churches to hear preachers bellow about death and guilt and armageddon, meanwhile promising that this won't come to pass as long as the faithful give sufficiently of their hard-earned paychecks when that collection basket comes around. Every week, thousands stream to meeting halls and TV stations to be duped by "faith healers" whose skill is a mastery of the technique of mass-hypnotism of the willing, where they are conditioned to repeat the same mouthful of unintelligible gibberish referred to as "talking in tongues"- Pavlov would have had a field day with this! Thousands more opt for the eastern versions of this game, contributing fortunes to make-a-buck gurus who drive Rolls Royces and shop at Saks Fifth Avenue while admonishing their followers to endure poverty for the sake of spiritual enlightenment. From Billy Graham to the Pope, from Bennie Hinn to Jim Baker, from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to Guru Mai, how many "spiritual leaders" can we count who are filthy rich from the proceeds of their con games while their followers are admonished to grin & keep paying? And when was the last time -outside of Hollywood productions or F-Troop reruns - you saw a Native American playing such games with peoples heads? Never. If people seek enlightenment from those of us who have preserved our ways, we give freely, if cautiously. This is the ultimate in Black Comedy - but it's a very costly joke in both human and environmental terms . I intend that the following interpretation that I offer of the Cherokee story related above will offer hope and inspiration to those readers who have found our Spirits living within their hearts, and who wish to validate their intuitions, gain the strength to break free from spiritual oppression, and overcome the Monster. My grandmother told me, and her grandmother told it before her, that long ago, long even before the Europeans discovered Turtle Island and Her People, the elders warned us of The Monster with the White Eyes. This story has been handed down through generations from time before recorded history. This FACT makes it clear that the Monster is not the "white man", as is the commonly held belief. Rather, the Monster is a philosophy put into practice at a time, long distant, when peoples the world over worshipped the Earth and were aware of their intimate place in a vast cosmos of intelligent creation. Every race, no matter how civilized at the close of this century, was once a collection of indigenous tribes with a reverence for the natural unfolding of the seasons, a respect for the plants and animals who offered their lives for human sustenance, and knowledge of the uses for every species of flora in their environment. The ancient lore of other Goddess-oriented spiritual traditions also foretold of a long period of darkness when the Mother Earth and all life She sustains would come to the brink of destruction; indeed it came to pass. The ancient Celts were last bastion of European paganism to hold out against this politically fueled insanity. Avalon was destroyed by St. Columba in the 6th century. The Celtic druids were slaughtered shortly thereafter, ending the "pre-Columbian" era in the old world. It took more than 700 years for the greed to grow to the point that transatlantic exploration ws attempted, but when that event ended the "pre-Columbian" era on this side of the world White-Eyed Monster swam across the Great Eastern Water to Turtle Island. Those Who Speak to the Spirits told us that the Monster with the White Eyes would come from across the great Eastern water. Its power would be evil and terrifying, and it would create a destruction so thorough that the spirits of the animals, and even the trees, would begin to die. The Mother Earth Herself would be devastated, and Her heartbeat would become very faint. This section doesn't need much explanation, because its truth is evident all around us. Most people don't realize, however - with the popular focus on the old growth evergreen forests of the Pacific Northwest and their faunal inhabitants - the extent of the destruction that was final before the ethics of environmentalism took hold. The hardwood forests of the East were reduced to zero almost two hundred years ago, along with countless species of flora and fauna. For instance, in the Smoky Mountains there existed a species of high-altitude ginseng that was used successfully to treat tumors and internal ailments. It became extinct about the same time that the Cherokee were railroaded from their lands on the Trail of Tears. More recently, the slaughter of the Buffalo and the reduction of the Great Plains of the midwest to a vast dust bowl incapable of supporting any form of life is at least acknowledged as a big mistake. The destruction continues at breakneck speed with every breath you take, in North America, in South America, in Europe, Asia, Africa, India, the Island nations - everywhere. Time and again the powerful elite slip through loopholes they have built into the laws they control, and we feel the power of the Monster. Mother Earth, burdened by the overpopulation demanded by the sanctioned religions, her water and air irrevocably poisoned, raped of her ability to produce life or to sustain what is already here, has begun to sing a Death Song for us all. This Monster would devour the children of Turtle Island tribe by tribe, and none would escape. Most of those who survived would be like the dead, their spirits lost to them, and they would exist without connection to the memories of their ancestors. Few would remain to keep the Truth alive. The year 1492 has been celebrated as a major accomplishment of the renaissance European power bloc for over 500 years. In America, "Columbus Day" is a federal holiday. Many people get a day off from work with pay - but to celebrate what? Genocide. Destruction. Pillage. Robbery. This is certainly a grim reflection on the general consciousness of America (although the state of South Dakota now celebrates Native Americans' Day on that date instead.) Columbus's ships were manned by the human refuse of Europe - sociopaths whose only ticket out of a life in prison was to sail on an expedition into the unknown. Think for a moment about who these men were, and about what probably was in their minds back in the 15th century. Then, think about the fact that as soon as they landed on the soil of our homeland, they were instantly transformed from villains into heroes for perpetrating the same violence for which they were imprisoned in Europe. They "discovered" that there were tangible assets to acquire across the Atlantic, and there begins the grim story of Native American recorded history. All accepted written history concerning these matters has been manipulated and falsified by those who have profited for more than five centuries from the deliberate, systematic, and nearly successful genocide that has eradicated all but traces of Native American cultures. There are truthful accounts in publication such as Dee Brown's Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, and if these volumes were included in our public educational systems as required reading at the high school level Columbus Day celebrations would soon cease. American consciousness and conscience could not help but be awakened by the true stories of atrocities no less cruel than those perpetrated on the Jews by Nazi Germany in this century. However, the legacy of the "discovery of America" remains, and it is a sad truth that the Native American peoples slowly and irrevocably succumbed to the power of the Monster with White Eyes. It is not necessary to go into those details here because the story has become very well known in the last two decades, in spite of the fact that America remains, largely, in denial. "The sins of the fathers" are too grievous and too grotesque for most people to accept in any real manner. Right up into the 1970's, popular opinion regarding "Indians" was even lower than the opinions held about blacks in the deep south before the civil rights movement. Aside from Tonto, Indians were generally considered to be lazy, slovenly drunkards living on welfare checks from Great Benevolent Uncle Sam. Reservations were trash dumps littered with junk cars, broken down shanties, and the last of the refuse of genocide. Anyone who had been to an Indian reservation had certainly seen the living dead - the remains of once-great peoples, devoid of spirit, bereft of hope, beyond redemption. Not many could - or cared to - look beyond the obvious chaos to see the remnants of a society of communities that reused and recycled everything in their daily lives. The FACT is that Native Americans were not - and are still not completely - considered a real race of people. We are truly the forgotten ones. Black America enjoys recognition of its diverse heritage and its struggles against bigotry. Native Americans, however, received no such recognition until well after the American Indian Movement was born. Even now, at the dawn of the 21st century, the Americas' indigenous peoples are still struggling to regain the status of a valid human race. As a matter of fact, all Native Americans, whether of "full" or "partial" blood (the "partial" being a measurement determined by the white government in the 19th century), are required to be registered, like a dog with the American Kennel Club, in order to hold status as being who they are. Think about that. The concept is completely absurd. This is the ultimate indignity. This is the case, NOT because Native American peoples don't deserve to be recognized. It is the case, NOT because there are too few Native Americans left in existence to worry about. It IS the case because what is now considered to be American culture was built by people who robbed every indigenous tribe on two continents of land and birthright, and systematically slaughtered or starved to death thousands of other human beings in order to create what exists today. The progeny of those people must remain in denial regarding these facts, because official recognition of the truth would turn the tables and put them where their forefathers put us. Few remain to keep the truth alive, but we are here, and we are getting stronger. From a non-political Native American standpoint, however, the solution to this dilemma does not involve punishing other human beings. The real solution requires individual evolution on a spiritual level, for all races of human beings. One day things would get so bad that the Mother Earth would begin to sing the Death Song. When this happens, they said, some of the children of the peoples who followed the White-Eyed Monster to our lands will realize that they face annihilation at the hands of their fathers, and they will be forced to look onto their hearts. When they do this, many will find that the Spirits of the children of our Tribes have been reborn there and have been waiting to guide them. Mother Earth has been singing her death song for many decades, but people have really only been listening for the last two. The changes created by the social upheavals of the Civil Rights Movement, the hippie counterculture, and the American Indian Movement needed to be set into positive motion before Americans started to discern the multiple layers of the bases for those social phenomena. Man's inhumanity to man is reflected like a mirror in a mirror: animals are treated inhumanely, nutritious food plants are lost to mad genetic tampering, trees are destroyed without conscience, living rock is gauged and scarred for profit. Waste is everywhere. By now many people realize that human desecration of Earth has brought us to a point at which our own life-support system is in grave danger of failing. Those who are courageous enough to face this truth in their lives are the ones who are now forced to look into their hearts. I cannot count the times I've heard young people in America say, "I feel as if I have no culture, no past. I don't really know who my ancestors were", or "I'm ashamed of what my ancestors did to gain their place on this continent. What I feel is nothing like what I was taught." They say they feel suspended, like they have no people. They tell me how lucky they consider me to be because at least I know who my people were and can be proud of them even though they're gone. They turn to me and ask me to point the way to spirituality, simply because I am of Native American descent. So suddenly, in the fickle pop culture of our time and place, American Indians are regarded as wise and knowing beings who point the way to the salvation of the world - a far cry from the worthless subhuman waste we were all considered to be a mere 25 years ago. And this being so, I always tell people to look back into their own hearts. I often tell them this Cherokee story to help them to understand that I truly believe that they have reborn Native American guiding Spirits within them. Often, when I tell them these things, people say to me, "Well, there's some Cherokee blood in my family but I'm not sure how much," or "I think my great grandmother was Cherokee/Choctaw/Chippewa/Lakota/Paiute...but we weren't told anything much about her." If these people have Native American genes in their makeup, then perhaps the memories of their ancestors are awakening within them, and that is a good thing. But it is important to remember that the rebirth of Spirit does not require bloodlines - only Unkle Sham and his BIA require such nonsense. Life is what we, as individuals, create it to be, and if a person adopts the ways of any Native American culture after searching his heart and finding a path in that direction, that is a good thing. These people may also find the Spirits of the children of our Tribes reborn within them. We hear the drum that is the heartbeat of the Mother Earth. We comfort and care for the animal Spirits that have been tortured. We replant and nurture natural food crops, flowers, and trees that have been nearly annihilated. But be aware that it takes much more than hanging a dream-catcher above your bed or attending pow-wows to accomplish what I am referring to. I am talking about a personal and individual commitment to an Earth-centered way of life. This could very possibly mean adopting a drastically simplified and self-sufficient lifestyle. WARNING: Simplicity and self-sufficiency are NOT to be confused with the popular Divine Poverty ruse employed by major world religions to keep millions of people from reaching personal goals. Simplicity in no way equates with poverty. Those of us who have, by various means, managed to retain a knowledge of the ways of our peoples are not new-age christs designated to lead the floundering masses to salvation and sanity. Nor are we the only people on Earth whose ancestors lived with an understanding of Earth, the elements, and the mysteries of the interconnected web of existence. However, our connection to our cultural past remained intact until a relatively short time ago, historically speaking. We still have a remnant of elders remembering and passing down stories, ideas, and unique teaching techniques. We have an ever-growing force of tribal members dedicated to preserving what is left and healing the addictions to alcohol, drugs, and gambling that plague our nations. From this perspective, it is not surprising that we are looked to for guidance, especially when one takes into account the wonderful job Hollywood has done over the last 20 years of marketing the popularity of idealized and consumer-simplified versions of Native American wisdom. In reality, even the wisest among us doesn't have all the answers. What we do have are healthy ideas that are sorely needed at the end of the 20th century. These ideas span all levels of reality, from the macrocosm of impending disaster for life on this planet, to the microcosm of individual human spirituality. This is something indeed. Then, they told us, those few who are the keepers of the Truth would emerge. Again, it is very important to keep the realities of human existence and human nature separate from the ideals of philosophy. There are no messiahs forthcoming from any of the diverse Native American cultures. Keepers of the Truth are no more gods than anyone else who faces the fears presented by those realities, seeks to heal the Earth, and hopes to see humanity at peace. The Truth, after all, is obvious. Overpopulation is at the root of every environmental ill we face. On our continent, a distorted value system called "the American dream" creates and perpetuates the extreme social imbalances that keep a large segment of the American population obsessed with overeating/dieting while the number of starving and homeless in our urban areas increases at an alarming rate year by year. Greed and avarice fuel the political machines that continue to destroy human and animal habitat, filling the air and water with toxic chemicals in the process. Survival, for most people in America, requires supporting these systems more and more as we watch the steady decline of small localized businesses and farms, and the urban development of more and more precious land. It has become depressingly difficult to even consider fighting the status-quo created by the powers that seem to be in control of it all. The pattern is repeated globally country by country, continent by continent. It seems as though there is no escape from the momentum of the impending worldwide crisis that will be brought on us all by those without conscience. These are the facts presented by obvious and undeniable truths. But there is hope, and there is an escape route. There is always freedom of choice. Many people insist that their choices are limited to the "lesser of evils," but in reality we are all free to choose not to buy into it all. In reality, there is power in numbers, and the number of people courageous enough to choose lifestyles that include as little as possible of the destructive system is increasing. These bravehearts are looking to Native America for guidance, and that is one good way to begin. Together we will become strong enough to overcome the power of the Monster and restore the Mother Earth to health, and the children of the Tribes of Turtle Island will lead the way back to a sane way of life. Again, we are not messiahs. But our ancestors believed that we will be able to take control of the situation and lead the way back to a life that makes sense. They believed that we will be able to rescue our planet and instigate Her restoration, so She in turn will be able to sustain future generations of humankind. Sometimes I think that the only thing that keeps us going against the dismal odds is that faith, reaching from our ancestors in the Spirit World across space-time to us. We are suspended on a narrow beam between what we can call heaven and hell. On one side is a reality of fear, powerlessness, and ultimate annihilation; on the other is a dream of hope, activism, and renewal. There are too many possible futures, and too many variables in interplay, to predict a final outcome. But then, we are not omniscient. The wisest of seers can only foretell possibilities. The creation of the reality is always in our own hands. That is the fact that must be borne in mind at all times: we create the world we inhabit in its entirety. Everything that surrounds each and every one of us is an illusion based on our belief systems. Power of mind is the strongest force we can conceive of, but it is no easy task to create a positive personal environment in a society based on fear. Americans are deliberately fed fear by the media in daily megadoses. There is a lot of good news to report, but newspapers only print the bad news. Audio-visual newscasts, with their overwhelming sensory power on the human psyche, are deliberately choreographed to instill and perpetuate fear at every level. And sadly, because most Americans are deceived by the belief that they have no alternative but to support the media as it stands, they have surrendered to the corollary belief in the necessity of sacrificing their personal power and freedom in order to stay safe. This is a truly evil illusion, but it is powerful only because of its widespread and unquestioning acceptance. The TRUTH is that each of us possesses freedom of choice on every level. If people who feel helpless and powerless start to make deliberate choices, even in small matters, and even if a choice seems to be between the lesser of two evils, they will be astonished at the rapid rate of change that occurs in their lives. The TRUTH is that there is no miracle or overnight messianic cure. Making good choices requires a focus on life on a day-to-day (and sometimes even moment-to-moment) basis, one thing at a time. It also - and this is crucial - requires developing the ability to forgive oneself for mistakes and getting on with living, letting go of the obligatory guilt programmed into many of us from birth. Most importantly, it requires developing the ability to let go, relinquish the illusion of control, and allow one's life to evolve according to the choices one makes. Of course, like all worthwhile endeavors, these things take time, concentration, and practice; but there is a wealth of personal power to be gained by following this simple plan of paying attention to your choices. It's effects strengthen the mind. When the mind becomes strong, self-confidence does also. When the many individual minds become strong, the collective mind becomes strong. A strong collective mind is the answer. We create the world we live in through our beliefs. At this point in time, our collective mind perpetuates the negativity most of us continue to buy into; that is the one and only reason the world is the way it is. It IS a matter of individual choice and action on a personal level. The more people who begin to believe in themselves as sovereign beings with inalienable rights, the more quickly things will change. If you examine this point of view, you will realize that this one idea has fueled all of the major socio-political changes in modern history. It also paraphrases the message that Jesus Christ gave to his followers, and those who want to truly follow his teachings can do so by breaking away from the corrupted organizations that use his name. Now, I ask you this: what are you willing to change in your life to work toward strengthening your mind and the collective human consciousness? There are uncountable possibilities. Your tastes and preferences are all going to remain intact. What is required is that you make changes that give you back power over your life. Some people want to go to the extreme of becoming totally self-sufficient, building Earth houses, generating their own electricity, growing all their own food. Others wish to stay in cities, enjoying a highly diverse, exciting social lifestyle. These, and anything in between, are all good, as long as we learn to think independently. If you buy all of your food at the grocery store, patronize businesses who provide meat from local farmers who raise their animals in a humane, natural manner without harmful chemicals, rather than those who buy from the big conglomerates who provide the masses with low-grade, unsafe meat produced at the expense of an animal's dignity. Many stores carry organic produce, and there are many small local farmers' markets that offer varieties you can't buy from megafarms that produce inferior hybrids for uniformity. If you garden, avoid buying hybrid seeds from large seed companies; look instead for small businesses that carry varieties that are becoming extinct, which, by the way, are far more tasty and nutritious than what is commonly offered in supermarkets. Start a seed co-op with your neighbors. Deliberately boycott fast-food restaurants - you'll be doing a good thing for yourself as well as for the Earth. Support the Arbor Day foundation: for $10.00 you can receive, plant, and nurture 10 trees. Take a course in logical philosophy at your local community college to learn how to criticize what you read in the newspapers or see on television, so you can mentally sort out what's valuable and discard all the crap it's packaged in. Instead of supporting the development of a needy child in a foreign country, actively support organizations in your local area that provide for the needs of the many underprivileged children in America. Instead of giving 10% of your wages in tithe to buy your seat in heaven, use that money to buy food to give to food banks for the needy. Make caring for yourself and your fellow man a daily reality rather than a Sunday morning passing fancy. Unplug the television and read to your children, or to a friend's children. Get to know your neighbors. If you tend to stay away from "people you don't know", pull your head out of the sand. You don't have to sacrifice privacy to build community. Identify and work toward common goals for your safety and quality of life - socially, politically, and environmentaly. Always remember that hiding your head in the sand exposes your tender parts to the predators. There is security in groups. Use your internet access. Search out and utilize alternatives - there are millions to be found. Learn things. Use the knowledge you gain. Strengthen yourself, physically and spiritually. Leave others to do it for themselves- to try to control the behavior of others is just another way to keep from tackling the difficult task of paying attention to your own life. Likewise, free yourself from the controlling efforts of other people or organizations. Follow your boss's orders, but leave your job at work and make your home life a place of refuge. Be creative! After this, all of the races will live as one Tribe in peace and harmony. The spirits of the animals and the trees will return when they know that they are safe once again. The Monster with the White Eyes will be no more. This is what my grandmother told me, and now I have told it to you. |