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The Mayence Prophecy
 The Prophecy of Mayence is dated to 1854, and gives a detailed description of the Battle of the Birch Tree:

"Woe to thee, great city; woe to thee, city of vice! Fire and sword shall succeed fire and famine. Courage, faithful souls! The reign of the dark shadow shall not have time to execute all its schemes. But the time of mercy approaches. A prince of the nation is in your midst. It is the man of salvation, the wise, the invincible; he shall count his enterprises by his victories. He shall drive the enemy out of France, he shall march from victory to victory, until the day of divine justice. That day he shall command seven kinds of soldiers against three to the quarter of Bouleaus between Hamm, Woerl, and Padenborn. Woe to the people of the East, thou shalt spread afar the cries of affliction and innocent blood. Never shall such an army be seen. Three days the sun shall rise upwards on the heads of the combatants without being seen through the clouds of smoke. Then the commander shall get the victory; two of his enemies shall be annihilated; the remainder of the three shall fly toward the extreme East."