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Prophecies of the King of Agarti

For many centuries, the mysterious and mystical tradition of Agharti and its ruler, the King of the World, has existed in Tibet and Mongolia. Agharti is believed by many to be a real world existing under the high plateau in the mountains of Central Asia. It is said to be a series of huge caverns with secret entrances all over the earth. Ancient tribes sometimes entered and have maintained a hidden civilization to this very day. This underground version of Shangri-la still exists, according to belief, and, whenever the King of the World makes prophecies, the birds and animals on the surface suddenly become silent. Hundreds of years ago, the King of the World uttered a prophecy which, counting from the time it was purportedly given, falls, as do so many other predictions, within the latter part of the 20th Century.
"Men will increasingly neglect their souls. The greatest corruption will reign on earth. Men will become like bloodthirsty animals, thirsting for the blood of their brothers. The crescent [Islam?] will become obscured, and its followers will descend into lies and perpetual warfare. The crowns of kings will fall.
"There will be terrible war between all the earth's peoples; entire nations will die -- hunger, crimes unknown to law, formerly unthinkable to the world. The persecuted will demand the attention of the whole world. The ancient roads will be filled with multitudes going from one place to another. The greatest and most beautiful cities will perish by fire. Families will be dispersed; faith and love will disappear. The world will be emptied.
"Within fifty years there will be only three great nations. Then, within fifty years, there will be 18 years of war and cataclysms. Then the peoples of Agharti will leave their subterranean caverns and will appear on the surface of the earth."