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Peter Schlinkert Prophecy
Another mention of the Birch Tree occurs in a German prophecy by Peter Schlinkert (born 1730). During the Seven Years' War, Schlinkert also had a vision that saved the life of Duke Clemens of Westphalia. He wrote this about the Birch Tree:

"At the Birch tree the armies of the West will fight a terrible battle against the armies of the East, and after many bloody sacrifices be victorious. The soldiers of the East will retreat over the Haar, and when the villagers see Rune in the Werler and Haar on fire, they must quickly flee into the Armsberger Wood. Another battle will be fought near the Ruhr Bridge by Obenheimer, but here only with artillery. A few days later the last great battle on German soil will be fought and that by the village Schmerleck on the so-called Lusebrink. The armies of the East will be completely annihilated and only a few will escape to return home with the news of defeat. there will be terrible lamentations.

"After these days of mishap and misery, happiness and peace will return to Germany, even though in the first year women will have to march behind the plow."